Interestingly enough, when we are of the speaking age we start with the word why. Everything (well if you’ve been a parent you know this) is why, why not, why can’t I, why, why, and why. As we grow up it becomes what if, what if I get caught, or what if I say this, or what if I did this. What if however, is the beginning of the negative and the positive outcomes. If I use what if I get caught, it relates to a negative outcome, if I use what If I win, positive. So we go from an inquisitive mind to a cautionary mind, which can go either way when it comes to the desired outcome. And recently, we’ve added a “whatever” word that really leaves us cold as to the outcome.
So, looking back at these three expressions, could one extrapolate the question, do words affect our lives? What do you think?
There is that old expression that goes; “you become what you think about most of the time”, but could we also say; “you live by the words you chose to use”? What is the difference between success and failure, could it be in our vocabulary? No, that would be too easy, and would make no sense at all. However, if you think about it, what is the difference between a successful business and one that is failing, both being in the same business. Could it be in the vocabulary that they use. The word whatever, is being used by many today, what if we become what we say? Would you allow your business, your life, your work, your love, your family be a "whatever"! Next time you’re out, look at the way people stand when they say why, what if and whatever, I can almost guaranty you that the posture of the whatever is indifferent and possibly slouched a little, now, tell me that words do not affect the way we live.