As an entrepreneur and self-employed person for many, many years, I have had some good times and bad times. Throughout those years, I have learned that no matter what times, you need to keep feeding your company if you want to be fed! When times are good, it is possible to get paid more, and save more, however, one needs to continue improving the materials and equipment’s that allows the company to grow and prosper. So why does this not happen in publicly held companies?
A good example of this is the hydro companies both in Canada and the US. Just last week, tens of thousands of people in Washington and in Ontario where and some are still without electricity. Electricity when the temperature reaches over 90 degrees Fahrenheit is not a luxury it is a necessity! Think of the food that will go bad, think of the elderly without air conditioning, think of the damages and lives this will cost. Who will be responsible? Will the CEO’s responsible for this show up in their Lear jet to request a bailout?
Last year in Ontario the CEO of Hydro 1 was in the highest-ranking echelon of pay, this year, the constant power outages are blamed on the old, inadequate, and outdated equipment. Does this make sense? Let’s see, death, discomfort, waste, versus, bonus, million dollar paycheck and penthouse office downtown Toronto. Something has to give!
To the Governments of Canada (yes I said Canadian Government not Harper Government) and the US, place caps, and limitations on every company that affects the public, now! Who cares what happens to Facebook, Google or Microsoft (yes, these companies employ thousands of people, but, how many will suffer without Google for a day, or Facebook for a week…try no water for 3 days, or hydro for 2 days, or even no natural gas for a week in the middle of the winter). Whatever affects the safety, comfort and needs of the public should come first, always.
Here’s what will happen this year, the CEO’s of hydro companies will start crying, the governments who are in no position to help will allow them a steep increase in rates, and the same people that had to suffer the consequences of power outages will foot the bill! Ironic, n’est ce pas? In addition, to top it off, those same CEO’s will get a hefty bonus for saving the day, what in the hell goes on in that “pea” brain of theirs?
Place limitations, regulations and caps on hydro, water, natural gas, fuel and all other companies that have a direct impact on the lives and safety of the people that actually foot the bill for the paychecks of millions of people that work for those companies. Do it now before it’s to late!
A good example of this is the hydro companies both in Canada and the US. Just last week, tens of thousands of people in Washington and in Ontario where and some are still without electricity. Electricity when the temperature reaches over 90 degrees Fahrenheit is not a luxury it is a necessity! Think of the food that will go bad, think of the elderly without air conditioning, think of the damages and lives this will cost. Who will be responsible? Will the CEO’s responsible for this show up in their Lear jet to request a bailout?
Last year in Ontario the CEO of Hydro 1 was in the highest-ranking echelon of pay, this year, the constant power outages are blamed on the old, inadequate, and outdated equipment. Does this make sense? Let’s see, death, discomfort, waste, versus, bonus, million dollar paycheck and penthouse office downtown Toronto. Something has to give!
To the Governments of Canada (yes I said Canadian Government not Harper Government) and the US, place caps, and limitations on every company that affects the public, now! Who cares what happens to Facebook, Google or Microsoft (yes, these companies employ thousands of people, but, how many will suffer without Google for a day, or Facebook for a week…try no water for 3 days, or hydro for 2 days, or even no natural gas for a week in the middle of the winter). Whatever affects the safety, comfort and needs of the public should come first, always.
Here’s what will happen this year, the CEO’s of hydro companies will start crying, the governments who are in no position to help will allow them a steep increase in rates, and the same people that had to suffer the consequences of power outages will foot the bill! Ironic, n’est ce pas? In addition, to top it off, those same CEO’s will get a hefty bonus for saving the day, what in the hell goes on in that “pea” brain of theirs?
Place limitations, regulations and caps on hydro, water, natural gas, fuel and all other companies that have a direct impact on the lives and safety of the people that actually foot the bill for the paychecks of millions of people that work for those companies. Do it now before it’s to late!