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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Are we heading in the right direction?

Let me ask you, what is the lifeblood of a strong country and a solid economy? If you said, big companies, big profits, solid banks, high profits on the stock market, and anything that resembles that, well in my failed!

Small business is the lifeblood and the strength of any country, of any city, of any culture, period. So why are we not helping them? Take a look at the news, more precisely the business section, what do you see? RIM this, Apple that, Google, Microsoft, and so on. What about the small companies? Banks don't help them, the Government doesn't help them, the investment groups, very little, but yet all of us wonder how to kick-start the economy. All of us wonder, how can we create more jobs? Yet the answer is right there, staring us in the face, help your local small businesses, entrepreneurs and startups and see what happens.

There are so many things that as a country, a province and a city we can do, however the first thing we need to do is "stop kidding ourselves". I read the blogs, the comments, and absurdities that people are posting and writing, come on! Give your head a shake as my mother in law would say. Some of you are starting to sound like politicians, I see growth, BS, what you are seeing is an oasis. Take a close look, the light at the end of the tunnel is a train heading straight for you. DON'T think that I am being negative, that is the easy way of looking at it. I am one of the most positive people out there, however, I am also a realist, and the fact is that we are not helping our small businesses to grow, we are impeding their growth.

Don't be fooled by the Fed's and their funding proclamation! Don't be fooled by the provincial funding, these are political strategies geared at obtaining votes, not growth. We are presently dealing with much bigger problems then small business some would say. Things like "who is that person on our 100 dollar bill". Come on! Wake up Canada!

We have the ability to have the strongest country in the world, we have by far more natural resources than most countries, we have great people, strong ethics, and still we allow our Government to pretty well "dictate" how we will do things with our natural resources. The land, the resources use to belong to the people, now it belongs to the government. The government use to belong to the people, now apparently it belongs to people like Harper. And I continue to read things like, "I see vast improvements in many sectors", "I see the housing industry picking up"...really, really you see that?

I'm sorry for bursting you bubbles, but folks, wake up, take a look around, and if you want an economy that is strong, support your local businesses, your start-ups, your entrepreneurs, and your small businesses. It's a weird thing that happens when you do that...they start growing, they create jobs, money flows in the economy, people buy things and yes, we grow as a city, a province, and a country.

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