The Coterie Group » Blog

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Every morning, I go through the same routine. I check in with our CTO in Sao Paulo Brazil, I read my emails, respond to the ones I have to, and then I go to my Google News and see what's happening in the World and Canada. This morning's news titles looked a little like this:

  • Charlie Hebdo row: Cartoons divide French press
  • Recall of ground beef from XL Foods in Alberta expands
  • Security forces ring rebel area in Damascus, arrest 100
  • Viewpoints: Anti-Islam film and self-censorship
  • India hit by national strike over economic reforms
  • Israeli air strike kills two Palestinians in Gaza
  • Majority of Canadians would pay cash to dodge tax: survey
  • Paying more for less: Canada's shrinking living room Add to ...
  • Study finds why antidepressants work better for some
As a matter of fact, I think this is the way it looks every morning, and I am starting to think that there is no "good news" anymore, unless of course you would consider this to be good news:

  • iPhone 5 review
  • Lindsay Lohan arrested in New York
  • Air Canada to unveil low-cost carrier
  • HTC, Microsoft unveil new Windows phones
However, at the end of the day it's all the same, with a different twist. So, in view of this, I decided to search Google for a site that actually printed good news, this is what I came up with:

So, there is some good news around the world, I guess it's just a little harder to find. For me, from now on, I would rather have a dose of good news in the morning to help me tackle my days, it makes me feel good, and tells me that "hope" is still the strongest motivator, have a great day!

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